North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society

Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting October 28, 2004

Alumni House, Macalester College

1644 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN

Jeff Brunette, Ken Kerns, Cathy Knox, guest HPS President Elect Ruth McBurney, Marc Martz, Dan Miron, Irene Patrek and Dan McGrane.

Note:  A copy of the executive meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

Called to order at 8:05 P. M. by President Irene Patrek.

1.)     April 29, 2004 Executive Council Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

2.)     Dan McGrane presented Secretary-Treasurer's report.  It was accepted and approved.

Checkbook balance:  $2,783.07
Money Market fund:  $14,717.54
Total balance:  $17,500.61

89% of the total membership dues for 2004 were received by October 27, 2004.  Constant budget items are the $500.00 Science Teacher Award, the travel stipend of $300.00 (if the teacher comes to the meeting), the $500.00 Wissink memorial speaker expense and around $1,000.00 per meeting for lunches and breaks.

3.)     We reviewed and accepted the affiliate coordinator's report from Chris Kessler.  There are 17 affiliate members.  We also reviewed and approved the updated Affiliate Coordinator duties provided by Chris at the spring meeting.  Sponsors for the fall meeting are; Canberra Industries with Dale Elmore, Illinois Institute of Technology with Kelly Cherwin, Global Dosimetry with Tom Chwierut and Landauer Inc. with Gary Beardman.  A total of $600.00 was collected from our sponsors.  A copy of the Affiliate Member Report is on file with the secretary/treasurer and will be posted on the web site.

4.)     Ken received four CEC credits each for the spring 2004 meeting from the AAHP.  The course number is 2004-04-009.  Ken has submitted information to the AAHP for the fall meeting.  Cathy Knox provided members with an excellent list of other professional agency through which members may wish to seek class credits.  We agreed that we could provide this information to other professional organizations and that would be the job of the president.  Ken stated that he would submit said information upon request from any member.

5.)     Heather McCollar and Wayne Wolsey are host for our fall meeting at Olin-Rice Science Center on the Macalester College campus.  Irene Patrek reviewed the slate of speakers on the meeting agenda.  The meeting begins at 8:00 AM with registration and will conclude around 4:00 PM.  Cathy Knox will complete the Newsletter write up for the meeting.

Old Business:

1.)     Science and Education Committee:  As of the meeting date, no applications for Science Teacher Award (STA) have been submitted.  Cynthia Horn, chair for the STA, has stepped down due to job demands.  Cynthia also suggested that we redesign the Award application into a question and answer format instead of the lengthy dialog/description we now use.  Irene will solicit the membership during the business meeting for a new STA chair.

2.)     Venues Committee (Ad Hoc):  As Jeff Brunette reported at the spring business meeting, we are hosting the annual HPS conference again in 2009.  The exact dates are July 12th – 16th, 2009 and it will be held in Minneapolis.  No planning or work will start until the fall of 2007.

3.)   Homeland Security Committee (Ad Hoc):  Mike Lewandowski attended the HDER meeting on July 12, 2004 during the annual conference in Washington, DC.  He will speak about the meeting at the business meeting.  The executive council accepted his report.  A copy of the HDER report is on file with the secretary/treasurer and will be posted on the web site.

4.)     Chapter Council Meeting:  Dan McGrane attended the Chapter Council meeting on July 12, 2004 during the annual conference in Washington, DC.  His report was accepted by the executive council and is on file with the secretary/treasurer.

 New Business:

1.)     HPS Awards and Offices:  No new award nominations have been submitted to Irene.

2.)     New Member Applications:  The executive council approved one new individual memberships received in the last six months.  The new member is, Jason H. Hunt, State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, Madison, WI.

3.)        Science Teacher Workshop (STW):  The new committee consists of Duane Hall, Mike Lewandowski, chair, Marc Martz, Chuck and Gen Roessler, Glen Sturchio and Gary Yarrow.  Planning has been under way since May but in August Marc Martz actually got the group committed into a workshop.  Communication between the STW group, the Executive Council and the Wisconsin Association of Physics Teachers shifted into high gear.  The workshop will happen on Saturday, October 30, 2004 at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.  Mike Lewandowski has prepared a detailed report that is on file with the secretary/treasurer.  The executive council also discussed and review expenditures for the STW.  Ken Kerns offered a motion to provide reimbursement in the amount of $60.00 for instructors who drove more than 200 miles and $25.00 for expenses for this workshop only.  Jeff Brunette second the motion and it was unanimously approved.  Dan Miron abstained, as he is one of the instructors.  The executive council will ask the STW committee to return with a follow-up report and recommendations for future workshops at the completion of the October 30th workshop.

4.)     Bruce Thomadsen, University of Wisconsin Madison has offered to host the spring meeting in Madison.  Jeff Brunette will be working out the details with Bruce.  Irene will still ask the membership at the business meeting to consider hosting a future meeting.

 Other Business:

New HPS Award:  Dr. Ken Kase recently distributed a letter to the chapters announcing a new Student Science award offer by the HPS.  This information should be distributed to schools in your area.

Keith Dinger has developed a new initiative where the congressional liaison office charts legislative activity and can then send this activity to the chapters for their particular state or states.  The executive council thinks this is a worthwhile service and as Keith to continue with these efforts.

 Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer


Executive Council Meeting Agenda
October 28, 2004
Alumni House, Macalester College
1644 Summit Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota

  1. Call to order
  2. Review minutes of April 29, 2004 meeting.
  3. Secretary/Treasurer Report
  4. Affiliate Coordinator Report
  5. CEC Update
    Ken Kerns has filed for CECs.  It will be posted on our website upon approval.
  6. Fall Meeting Details
    Wayne Woolsey is hosting at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN.
    Ken – review speakers.
    Begins at 8 a.m. with registration.  Ends at about 4:00 p.m.
    Newsletter write-up by?

 Old Business 

  1. Science & Education Committee update
    No applicants for STA.
    Cynthia Horn has proposed revision of the application process to a Q&A format that can be posted on teachers’ websites.  Cynthia has also notified NCC that she is stepping down from chairing the STA.
  2. NCCHPS committee assignments
    Homeland Security
    Science Teacher Award
    Science Teacher Workshop
  3. Other old business

 New Business 

  1. Nominations for HPS awards and offices.
  2. New member applications.
  3. Spring meeting location.  Bruce Thomadsen has proposed Madison.
  4. Other
    Dr. Ken Kase – Student Science Award from HPS
    Keith Dinger – Minnesota Legislation of Interest